Thursday, April 2, 2009

Given that my exams are going on, my brain is on full throttle. And for once it's actually thinking about studies. About education to be specific.
Our text books are so incredibly dull! You would think that psychologists would know how to hold someone's attention!
Bored with the books I tried to pass my time online. I read some quotes by Douglas Adams and thought for the gazillionth time "that is one brilliant man". Not only is he brilliant in terms of coming up with new ideas but he can also make the most mundane seem interesting.
And then, suddenly, there was thunder and lightening and a bulb went off in my head. What if we combined the two? The textbook authors have the knowledge, but the writers have the skill! They should be the ones doing the writing, not these nerds! Douglas Adams can make even computer programming sound like a good way to spend a Sunday afternoon.
I wish he'd taken an interest in psychology the way he did with science. But he probably realised it was a rubbish subject. What have psychologists achieved anyway? They conduct fake research, then they make people ape it, stir things up, make some theories...doesn't matter if they hold true or not, and then what? Go back and test the old theory again. It's just a way convincing yourself that you're doing something worthwhile when you're actually doing squat.
Bleh. This was not meant to be a rant.
Don't mind me.
I'm just pissed I have five vivas.
But I still like the text book idea. The experts should probably write a rough draft of the book and then give it to the writers. Then the writer will say "Oh so this is what you wanted to say?" and then put in a joke or two and twist things around. Pictures are always helpful.
Maybe even advertising people should get in on this. After all, they know how to make things look appealing. I mean, have you seen Baron? It's such a brilliant book but what's with that orange cover? and Robbins doesn't even bother using colour.
So, to summarize, writers and ad agents should expand their horizons and get into the business of education. It's a win-win situation really. They get more jobs, we get more education, and eventually, even we get more jobs.
Thank you.
*takes a bow*
*standing ovation follows*


Runjoo said...

aah brilliant.

remember that systems book we had? so incredibly dry it was...i dont even remember the name...wait "WOLMAN"...horrid book.
but i quite liked baron, apart from the orange cover, and that i think was coz it was a low price edition.
i think they charge more for better looking books...crazy no?

Ankita said...

yes wolman! that is a better example than baron.
but low price my foot! we payed 300-400 bucks for this dull book, black and white pictures and see-through pages. but at least baron was interesting on the inside. "imagine that your casual friend is getting married..." lol

Runjoo said...

lol lol...casual friend...that was the attribution theory, "noncommon effect"
no im not super brilliant, i just read it a few days back.