Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Happy New Year

All in all I'm glad this year is over. It's been shitty all the way through. Almost everything that happened to me was crappy in some way. I did have some good times, Bombay, the Assam trip (read: the times I was out of Delhi), but there was a lot lacking in those moments too. College was, and is, at its absolute worst thanks to the fear, nay terror, induced by a certain professor (you know who you are!).
I have so much to wish for this coming year; I don't know where to begin. May I never see such a year (2008) again. May numerolgy, astrology and psychology work in my favour in 2009. May I finish my dissertation and post-graduation. May I get a job and a life to match. May I continue to get awesome new music. May I be happy.
Oh, and if I have any wishes left over then I hope my friends and family are happy too.

Happy New Year.

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