Monday, September 6, 2010

Soundtrack: Stars- Personals

I spent a lazy Sunday morning in Saket today, simultaneously eating and reading brunch. Except, I wasn't really reading Brunch. I just said that because it sounded clever. I was actually reading Nisha Susan's article in Tehelka's new special issue on love across borders. All the while I was reading it I kept thinking "How can people reveal such personal issues in a national magazine? Don't they know it that 110,000 (wiki-verified) people are reading about their lives?"
But I guess that's exactly what made it a good story. If you took out the personal bits, there woudn't be a story at all.

That's one of the things that holds me back from writing/speaking. I have few lifestories and opinions to begin with and I'm reluctant to share the ones I have. Even seemingly frivolous things like my choice of music, my friends, my favourite food.. Everyone probably knows I spend atleast a third of my waking hours on the internet but ask my friends what I do online and they'll all be stumped. What do I like to watch on TV? What are the things I value in life? What do I think about most often? What is the one thing I'm working towards? and they wouldn't be able to answer. I'm not sure even I know the answers to those questions.

[There was more to this post but I decided its too personal to be on a blog and took it out.]

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